Another Spring Poem by Richard LeDue

Dawn coats the birches in orange paint

each morning now,

while patches of dead grass

next to old dirty now

look like a sloppy painter's trail,

and reminds me how winter's

abstractly literal whiteness

isn't forever,

even though at 6:11 AM,

minus thirty-seven,

I feel otherwise,

wondering how to turn it all

into a poem,

where I write about that poem,

only to laugh at it all,

accepting my failure

as part of the paint job.

Richard LeDue (he/him) was born in Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada, but currently lives in Norway House, Manitoba with his wife and son. His poems have appeared in various publications throughout 2020, and more work is forthcoming throughout 2021. His chapbook, “The Loneliest Age,” was released in autumn 2020 from Kelsay Books.


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