As We Sat in the Restaurant by Ivo Drury

You asked which type of water

I saw a lazy river

lollygagging through foothills

within a hike of its source

peppered with rocks at a small curve

replete there with eddies and pools

a little hands-on museum

of riparian delights

a curve by a small town would be best

peopled mostly in summer

shrieks of children

sunlight filtered through leafed limbs

creating their own sound and light show

sparkling I replied

A native of Ireland and a lapsed neurologist, Ivo Drury lives along the California Coast. Poetry published recently or pending publication featured in Red Eft Review, Rockvale Review, Avalon Literary Review and Schuylkill Valley Journal among others.


A Place to Call Home by Kylan Tatum


Progress by John Hicks