Bodies of Water by Alan Bedworth

Reflections on a lake,

the water so still, as

though frozen in time.

Gives an illusion of a

painting masterpiece.

Compare it to the sea,

and the rolling waves

with their numerous

colours, make it impossible

to create a perfect

reflection for all to see.

Rivers can sometimes

give a reflection although

it appears more of a

negative photograph with

it's dark moods. Alas if

it's a tidal river then your

chance of that negative

recedes with the tide.

Lastly the canal a

throwback to the Industrial

Revolution, and all the detritus

emptied from those industries

into this water course.

Although a still water a

reflection is very hard to detect.

All these varieties of bodies

of water each have their own

beauty. It's up to you the viewer

how clear you want them

to be.

His name is Alan Bedworth. He's 65 years old and retired, and been writing for 2 and a half years and had poems published by yourselves,Open Door Magazine, Ambrosia Literary Garland,the Pangolin Review and the Rhodora Magazine. He only started submitting his poems from February this year. His interests are writing, watching Rugby League especially Featherstone Rovers, nature and being outdoors.


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