Fizzling Currents by R.M. Scott

thick energy beckoned

to cross into untamed woods

its pull, a shadowy cove

of forbidden shudder


long grasses and thistles

bristled and scratched

calling forth a message

of inner hearing


a worn game trail

gave way

curving and ducking

through brush and weeds


then, the hidden woods unfolded


an enormous tree lay

split and hewn down

its thick trunk cracked and thrown

the base sliced in jagged shards



fizzling currents hummed

through palms pressed

on the disconnected

magnetic force


energy to reheal

aligning the knowledge

of interweaving existence

all power and one

R.M. Scott is a poet and fiction writer living in the mountains of Idaho. Her debut novel, UNSEEN, released July of 2021 (Literary Wanderlust). She holds a BA and MA in Business. Her passion lies with writing the power of existence.


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