Living in Fear of This Country by Emily Jo Scalzo

Know no one willing to take your survival

in exchange for America

loves your children and grandchildren—

that exchange isn’t noble.


Grandparents, grandchildren, children,

don’t want to be sacrificed;

people are pretty lost.


Business and the president

can work smarter.

Don’t sacrifice America—

this disease could take our ethos,

something worse than dying.

Emily Jo Scalzo holds an MFA in fiction from California State University-Fresno and is an assistant teaching professor at Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana. Her work has appeared in various magazines including Midwestern Gothic, Mobius: The Journal of Social Change, Blue Collar Review, New Verse News, and others. Her first chapbook, The Politics of Division, was published in 2017 and awarded honorable mention in the Eric Hoffer Book Awards in 2018.

Original Text

We Have Eaten Angels' Food by Robert Knox


Weltschmerz by Emily Jo Scalzo