Mundane Magic by Rory Baskin

what is this life
if we are not perpetually awed
at the clusters of stars above our heads
the plethora of flowers growing at our feet what is this life
if each drop of rain
does not draw a smile from our lips
if the sound of birds and wind chimes does not spark joy in our hearts
what is this life
if we do not stop to smell the roses
daisies and tulips too
if we do not scribble poetry on our hands finding beauty in each word
sighting mundane magic
all around us
what is this life
if we do not love
if we do not live for
every single minute

Rory is currently a secondary school student in California. Creative writing, particularly poetry, have always been passions of hers, and she is currently trying to pursue them by getting her poetry published in online poetry journals such as Trouvaille Review


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