Speech Therapy by Scott Corbet Riley

I was born 

on December 23, 1985 


forty-one minutes 


past midnight 

in Santa Teresa


Hospital off Cottle Rd. 


in San Jose, CA my parents 

brought me home 


on Christmas Day 

in a large red stocking 


with a piece 


of holly embroidered 

onto its white


jagged fringe—our four-bedroom


two-bath house 

on Lenora Ave. 


with its redwood 


and Chinese pistache my father

was nine years younger 


than I am now


I couldn’t 

hear that first year


got tympanostamy 


tubes at thirteen months

and suddenly 


every breath 


was startling 

each voice 


a raucous 


maelstrom of vowels 

I learned 


to speak 


by counting 

letters on the color


coded carpet 



until I understood 


how each sound 


felt the way 

it twanged against 


glottis and larynx I spoke


then as if 

in a foreign 


language but the language 


wasn’t foreign 

but language 



Scott Corbet Riley holds a Ph.D. in Literature from UC Santa Cruz and a B.A. in Rhetoric and Creative Writing from UC Berkeley. His poems and essays have appeared in Rattle, Berkeley Poetry Review, Yemassee, and the Walt Whitman Quarterly, among other publications, and he has taught at UC Santa Cruz, Foothill College and Lake Washington Institute of Technology. He currently lives on Mercer Island, Washington, and teaches Latin at Lakeside School in Seattle.


Recognition by Sandi Leibowitz


Long Night by Leah Hearne