The Hummingbird by Rhonda Brown

Swiftest things that run the world,
Hums and beats, their wings unfurled.
Hummingbirds need constant fuel.
Brilliant blooms attract this jewel.
Forward, backward, upside down.
These dashing fliers zip around.

Golden flowers brilliant blooms
Entice birds with shiny plumes.
Blazing Star to Geranium,
Coral Bells to Delphinium.
Flower meadows, patchwork plots,
Scattered seeds in local lots.

Rhonda Bronte Brown is a retired counselor/teacher who lives in Arkansas. She is published in Better Than Starbucks Journal, the Trouvaille Review-Journal, and Haiku Seed Journal in February 2022. She is a newcomer to the picture book/storybook, poetry, and publishing world. Find her online at


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